The series follows characters as they cope with their daily student activities. Totally Spies! is an American animated series about three high school students who work as undercover agents. This is the context in which 'Totally Spies!' came out. By this point, illustrators thought that the whole spy theme needs to be adapted to young viewers. Then Charlie’s Angels came out – a somewhat mature spy story about three classy girls. Antonio Banderas’s family of heroes armed to the teeth with the latest gadgets left the viewers craving for an animated series remake. The whole craze was initialized by two well-known movies with which you might be familiar. The race to stock up on gadgets was long underway. Special effects and were already becoming mainstream in the movie industry. Great! You will surely enjoy spending your time around here! Anyway, for those who want to find out more about the famous spies and the history behind their success, here are some interesting facts.Īt the beginning of the 2000s world went crazy about spies. You've just landed on the Totally Spies Games page.